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Microsoft's Damage Control

Good evening everyone. know what I'm going to talk about, the negative PR of Microsoft is spreading and getting worse as we get closer to E3!

What has been the most remarkable amount of negative reactions for a console, probably the most negative reactions I've ever seen in my time as a gamer. Never have I seen so much anger, disappointment and negativity for ONE console.

So I have news from two different articles I read today.


According to an article on, Microsoft might be doing "reputation management" on Reddit.

"MistySilver" claims to be working at a marketing firm in Redmond that has a contract with Microsoft. She claims that a fellow employee was doing mass-downvoting on a lot of posts and comments on Reddit.

This employee was supposedly switching between tabs to make posts and make comments of his own, she could not make out exactly what was going on so she decided to ask her boss. According to her boss, MS(Microsoft) just brought in a huge sweep of SMM managers to handle reputation management for the Xbox One.

This story has not been confirmed as true but it might be a possibility as Microsoft did delete comments on their Youtube that were very negative about the Xbox One, Microsoft was asked for comment and Microsoft told "There is no coordinated or sanctioned effort by Microsoft employees, or anyone paid by Microsoft, to unduly influence Reddit or other online forums."

An update to the post however states that MistySilver's post has been deleted
Image from BusinessInsider Post

So Microsoft isn't hiring anyone to do reputation management yet there seems to be a lot of reputation management being done.

Article 2

On this article however, Microsoft is allegedly paying Third-party publishers not to show PS4 games at E3 2013.

According to a user on NeoGAF, who has posted rumors in the past that has turned out to be true.

In the post he states.

"I've talked to more people since then through and this isn't the usual jostling for publishers on stage that happens at E3. Microsoft is throwing BIG money around to reverse course on idea that they aren't a games console. The rumors are that PS4 versions of multiplats, by those who do take the money, won't be shown AT ALL. Not on stage and not on the show floor."

He also states.

"Now, there's no need to take my word on this if you don't want to. But do keep an eye on E3 next week."


Before I go on, I want to state to you guys. I am not a Sony fanboy nor am I a Nintendo fanboy NOR am I a PC fanboy. I am not avoiding the good news of the Xbox One and focusing on the bad news, bad news is the ONLY thing coming out about Microsoft.

At this point I will be very surprised if Microsoft comes back from this, all of this negative PR started with the Xbox One reveal. They advertised their console as a glorified DVR box, they've tried to clear up rumors and speculation about the console that has only led to MORE rumor and speculation.

Their design choices of the console has led to EVEN more negative comments and reactions about their console and has went into Damage Control since.

I hope that those this is just a rumor that turns out to be false and I hope Sony still comes out of this on top.

Thank you for reading.


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