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Microsoft's Negative PR:75% Of Gamers Disappointed With Xbox One Reveal and More

Hello everyone.

Now if you watched the Xbox One reveal this Tuesday, you know that Microsoft's reveal of the Xbox One turned out to be the worst reveal in gaming history that many people on the internet are shouting was the worst console reveal in the history of gaming.

Now for those of you who are unaware of the conference let me sum it up to you in a nutshell.

Microsoft made the Xbox One look like a glorified cable box.
Now before I go any further, I want you all to know that I have been a fan of Microsoft's since the original Xbox, I still have the console and the controllers and I still play Jet Set Radio Future on it and I own an Xbox 360 Elite which I currently use to play all the current gen. titles.

So let's start with the polling results.

According to an IGN article, a poll run by IGN UK showed that of the 76,000 people that participated in the polling, 75% of the participants said that the conference was disappointed with the reveal.

6% of the participants said the conference was fantastic, 17% said it was a solid conference, 25% were positive about the reveal. Meanwhile 47% of participants said that they were too many elements to the conference that they were not interested in and 29% said that it was nothing short of a disaster.

To continue the negativity surrounding Microsoft.

Microsoft is also blaming gaming media for the negativity of the Xbox One.

However it was Larry "Major Nelson" Hyrb that said....

ā€œThe ability to trade in and resell games is important to gamers and to Xbox. Xbox One is designed to support the trade in and resale of games. Reports about our policies for trade in and resale are inaccurate and incomplete. We will disclose more information in the near future.ā€

Sorry.....why couldn't you just clear up all these rumors right then and there? Why wait? Do it now!

Then, Microsoft's Vice-President of Business Phil Harrison is not to blame for some of the negativity surrounding the Xbox One.

"You can take your game around to your friendā€™s house just as you would today ā€” thatā€™s assuming you have a physical disc ā€” and what weā€™re doing with the new Live technology is thatā€¦ with the disc, itā€™s just a repository for ā€œthe bitsā€. You can put that disc into his drive, you can play the game while youā€™re there, and then you go home and take that disc with you. But actually, ā€œthe bitsā€ are still on his drive. If your friend decides that he really likes to play that game, then he can go buy it instantly, and it doesnā€™t need to download again. Itā€™s already there. Once heā€™s paid for it, itā€™s immediately there.ā€

Which means, only bits of the game are on the console, if he or she wants to keep playing the game without signing in with your account info, he or she needs to pay a fine, a fine which from Gamespot digging shows that it could be as high as 52 dollars.

Then to top it all off Microsoft is beginning to remove youtube comments, making negative statements about the Xbox One reveal.

Microsoft, all this negativity and bad press about the Xbox One, is not the fault of gaming media sites, it's you. The gaming media is doing their job of reporting what is going on in the gaming industry, you're the one that is not clearing up any of these rumors surrounding the console and the one that advertised the console as a giant cable box in the conference you had this past Tuesday.

You want to clear up all this negativity and rumors? Start explaining what EXACTLY is going on with the Xbox One and speaking as an Xbox fan, you were supposed to show a GAME CONSOLE, not a device to show you can watch TV.

It's no one else's fault except your own, the reveal on Tuesday,statements and lack of clearing up these rumors is the negativity surrounding the Xbox One.

If you want the consumers to stop bashing you and the new Xbox, then clear up some rumors surrounding the console, be clear and tell the truth, what is going on with the Xbox One and what can it do for gaming?


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