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May 21st Xbox Reveal: "Xbox One" impressions and conference review

Hello everybody, I hope you're all having a good Tuesday afternoon.

Today at 10 am(Pacific Standard Time for me since I live in Southern California) I tuned in to watch the reveal of the next generation Xbox console, the Xbox One.
Let's not get into the aesthetic of the console yet so let's get into the hardware of the console.

Console Hardware

The console is stated to have gone from 500 million transistors and 512 Mega Bytes of RAM to 5 Billion transistors and 8 Giga Bytes of RAM.

-A Blu-Ray Drive
-802.11n Wireless with Direct Wi-Fi access
-A USB 3.0 port
-64 Bit Architecture
-500 GB HDD
-8 GB System Memory
and an HDMI in/out port

The console is also to be stated as delivering a "Nearly silent operation"

Included in the new design is now the infamous power brick is no longer outside of the console but is instead encased in the console itself so now all you'll need for the console to power up is the power cord that comes with it.

Console and Controller aesthetic

To me the console looks like a DVR box. In fact as I saw the console revealed I looked to the Fios DVR box we have and made the comparison in an instant. To me, the console looks like a DVR box with a disc slot for games, Blu-rays etc.

The controller resembles the original Xbox controller and of course the current 360 controller, what I find odd about the design is now the Xbox logo is above the two mystery buttons of the controller.

Now is that the new location to access the Xbox Guide? I am not sure and what those two buttons are I am not sure as well.

As far as games go there are some we all ready know that are going to be launch titles for the Xbox One some we've known for some time and some announced today.

-Call of Duty:Ghosts
-Quantum Break
-Battlefield 4
-Assassin's Creed 4:Black Flag
-Watch Dogs
-Thief:Out of the Shadows
-Forza Motorsport 5
-FIFA 14

Conference Review

Now for the conference itself.

Overall I was not impressed by the conference, part of it was due to the bland box design of the console but also the conference seemed to focus more on how the console can function with your TV, your social media apps like Skype and music, movies etc.

It show cased how simply by voice command you can switch between live television broadcasts, movies and games as if you were simply changing the channel. It was a cool feature but is something that I didn't care much about. It showed off how you can snap these programs and applications together, for instance a spokesperson came up to the stage and was watching ESPN sports while also on Skype with a friend of his, as cool as that is, it was something I did not care about.

The press conference unfortunately seemed to focus more on TV functions and app capabilities in multi-tasking, which I did find impressive but overall it was something that shouldn't have been focused on in the conference for a new GAME console, the majority of people watching the conference was looking forward to the console reveal and seeing some gameplay on the console, not seeing how they can watch TV with their new Xbox.

Sony's PS4 conference showed console specs and actual gameplay using the console and focused primarily on games, which is something I am more interested in, it didn't show case what I can now do to watch TV or movies.

The conference today wasn't anything exciting, I lost interest quickly due to the lack of game announcements and trailers. There will be many games coming to the console but we don't know what most of these games are called or how they look like when being played on the console which is something I was looking forward to.

I'm not hyped for the Xbox One as much as I thought I might have been. I'm still looking forward to the PS4 reveal more than I am any Xbox One launch title.


Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed and feel free to talk about your thoughts on the conference below.

Join me next time for my weapon guide to the Executioner from Black Ops 2 and Star Wars:Rogue Squadron for the N64.


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