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Call of Juarez:Gunslinger Demo Impressions.

Hello everyone.

This week on Wednesday a new arcade title was released, Call of Juarez: Gunslinger.

An old western, shoot 'em up with atmospheric level design, good story and great gun play. Now this is only the demo I played so I'll only be reviewing what I was able to play in the demo, it won't be written like a full fledged review.

I wasn't able to get much from the story so I'll focus on presentation and gameplay.

The graphics I found were very well done, astonishing, to say the least.

It was atmosphere heavy, the world around me was so breathtaking and even at the beginning at the demo I was blown away, my jaw literally dropped at how impressive these graphics were.

It's almost the quality of a fully developed title. It has a cartoon like quality yet also a realistic quality to it, almost like Bioshock Infinite had met the old west.

It was high quality eye candy.

As for the gameplay, it was 20 minutes of pure and simple fun. I was having a really good time in the shortest amount of time I've ever had to play a game, I got a hold of the controls and combat easily.

The guns are a lot of fun, the six-shooter you start off with sounds and handles great. The same sound effects you hear from Western films is the same sound effect in game, it's really fun to blast enemies with the six-shooter.

The game is an arcade FPS, you earn experience points by killing opponents, you earn more points depending on how you kill your opponents. It's almost like Bullet Storm except it's not as complex or hard to get these exciting high EXP rewards.

Breaking out of my comfort zone to take on the opposition is where I got the most rewards, I leveled up three times in that demo.

There wasn't much else to say about the demo, that was the main aspect of it but just from those 20 minutes I am very interested in playing the rest of the game.

I do recommend you try out the game before you decide to purchase it, the game may not be for everyone. 


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