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Call of Duty Black Ops 2 News: Revolution Trial

Good evening everyone, tonight I have some news about Black Ops 2.

Treyarch has released a timed trial of the Revolution map pack DLC for multiplayer.
What does this mean?

Starting today until the 28th of next week, you and other players around the globe will be able to play on the Revolution DLC maps as well as using the Peacekeeper SMG.

Can you play Die Rise or Turned? As far as I know, you cannot.

You access this trial by going to the in-game story and looking for the Revolution trial.

The Peacekeeper SMG will be automatically unlocked once you download the trial as well as the Peacekeeper emblem for the Barracks.

The reason for this trial was that Revolution seemed to be the least selling piece of DLC for Black Ops 2, so Treyarch released the trial, so the assumption is that players will try out the DLC and then decide whether or not they actually want to buy it.

Personally I don't think more people are going to buy Revolution, I think what is going to happen is that players who are informed on the situation will play the heck out of Revolution and then when the 28th comes around, that'll be the end of the Revolution trial and will continue to play the default maps and use their default weapons, I know because I'm going to be one of those players.

So this weekend may be a good time to try out the DLC to see what you've missed out on, I'm going to be using the Peacekeeper as much as possible so I can get a weapon guide set up.

What are your thoughts on this? Should Treyarch release more timed trials on other DLC packs?


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