I have to admit I was pretty surprised to see how well this game was made. Granted there are still a lot of the typical CoD tropes in the game but I'm actually pretty glad to say I had fun with this. Thank god it was nothing like Call of Duty Ghosts!!! Power Changes Everything Advanced Warfare takes place in 2054. Modern military units are equipped with Exoskeleton Suits or Exo-Suits for short. Your standard infantry man or woman can jump to high ground in an instant or dash away from enemy fire without a single bullet grazing them. You play as Jack Mitchell, a soldier once fighting for the United States Military but is approached by Jonathan Irons, father of Mitchell's recently deceased best friend. You are brought into the private military company Atlas, an organization that has proven to be more successful in stabilizing regions and win the wars that other nations could not. As the story progresses you find that not all is perfect as we learn that Irons is not...
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