Summer Vacation. A time that many of us whom attend school anxiously wait for. For non-gamers, it's a time to sleep in, relax, go out to lunch with friends and family. Go to the movies to see Transformers(maybe). For gamers however, it's the time we spend many sleepless nights tapping away at our A buttons and make sure we blast away that camping asshole whose gamertag is "xXLeGiT-SkElZXx" We wake up, eat and spend the rest of the day playing our collection of video games. We don't need to plan out the day, we already have a plan. Like last year I made a list of 7 games to play during Summer. Unlike last year, this list of games is more of a mix of games that I think fit the season and games that I think are fun and best to be played when you have nothing but time on your hands. Rather than games that only fit the season. I hope you saved up some cash and are looking forward to spending countless hours playing some good games. These are the seven game...
A blog reviewing any game from any generation, gaming news, life and pretty much everything else.