Whenever I think of Destiny 2 I often think of games like Borderlands and Red Dead Online. Borderlands because of the variety of guns and the gun loot. Red Dead Online for the grind of roles like Collector, Bounty Hunter and Trader. Starting with Borderlands. Ever since the first game it was apparent that this game had a massive amount of guns that would make any other shooter blush with how many guns it has. Assault Rifles, Sub-Machine Guns, Light Machine Guns, Shotguns, Sniper Rifles, Rocket Launchers, Grenades, Shields, Class Item Mods and alien guns! You finish side quests you get new weapons, complete main story missions and you get new weapons. You could play this game for an hour and depending on what you did for an hour you could almost be over-stocked with guns, so many guns you either know to keep and sell them for better weapons and gear or keep them for possible different load outs with a variety of weapons at your disposal. With Red Dead Online, the grind, the o...
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