The console wars has been going on ever since different companies tried to introduce their new video game system to play the latest and greatest games on the best hardware on the market. Most of you who might read this will know a lot about, some of you even participated in it by taking allegiances to either Sega, Sony or Nintendo or Sega Genesis over Super Nintendo and the Playstation. Sure, you could make the argument that there have been clear winners from console generation to console generation but despite whoever the winner of the generation is the "war" never ends. Now for the purpose of this particular article I will be using my own rules as to what determines who wins the console generation. First, your gaming experience must be something that no one else can top, the games are legendary and even today if you were to mention these titles, everyone in the room begins to think fond memories of said games and reminisces about them. Second, hardware that makes the gami...
A blog reviewing any game from any generation, gaming news, life and pretty much everything else.