The game many gamers love to hate but secretly love and the game that probably set off the live service craze, Destiny 2, is in trouble....again From a technical standpoint Destiny 2 is doing pretty well I would say. Servers are running well, not too many game breaking bugs or glitches going on. Telesto works and is still available in the game to be used in PVE and PVP. When you get hit by a melee attack you don't go flying through the world like a brick nor do you fall through the game world just because you jump in a weird way and gear is not randomly disappearing from people's vaults. The problem Destiny 2 is facing is not technical but instead is enthusiasm and trust. The player count in Destiny 2 is dropping and as of now it is at the lowest point it has ever been and the trust from the community is also very low. Enthusiasm is low because as of right now there is not a lot to do within Destiny 2. If you finished the Final Shape expansion and you are caught up with the cu...
Many years ago my girlfriend at the time surprised me with a gift copy of Alien Isolation for the Playstation 4. We ended up playing it together (meaning I played it and she watched) and I remember liking the experience and feeling very immersed into the world that Alien Isolation created. It was almost as if we were smack dab in the world that Ridley Scott had created with his film Alien back from 1979. The retro-futuristic steam punk style with checkerboard patterns, clean white hallways decked out with pipes, valves, wiring panels and industrial food coolers etc. really lend to Alien Isolation becoming a truly immersive video game that I would argue rivals many video games today. Now if you remember for those of you out there that did read or watch IGN reviews you know or heard that IGN found the game frustrating, some of course disregarded those statements as ridiculous but after having playing a few hours these last couple of days to be in the spook season mo...